    Where can I get the correct decals for my tractor and how will I find out how to place them correctly??

There's the decal
Pay Attention!!!

    As you may or may not already know, John Deere had changed the design and placement of the silk screening and the decals on the tractors MANY times over the years. If you already HAVE the decals and there are no instructions for placement, then it's probably because you have "generic" decals. Instructions for proper placement may not be of any help, because you might not have the proper decals for that model and year anyway.
    Travis Jorde and Kent Kastor have researched the decals for YEARS, and they are licensed by John Deere. When you buy the decals from THEM, they COME with placement instructions.
Travis Jorde
935 9th Ave NE
Rochester, MN 55906
507 288-5483

Or ....

K & K Antique Tractors
RR 3 Box 384X
Shelbyville, IN 46176
317 398-9883

    Be sure to give them the serial number of your tractor and they will fix you up with a set of decals that exactly matches what was on your tractor when it was new. Are they expensive?? Well... you might THINK so; but after all that work you did restoring that tractor and putting on that beautiful paint job, do you want to spoil it with the wrong decals?? Hmmmmm, not that expensive AFTER all, are they??

Go back to the page you just came from......

Or.... Go back to

"Those Oldies But Goodies"
Little Caesar and the Romans, 1961
